Public Defined Benefits

We'll help you answer the tough questions


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  • Are you setting enough aside to cover the cost of your Defined Benefit (“DB”) pension promises made over the long-term?
  • Do you have an adequate plan in place to fund these benefits, and is the funding level of your plan considered “healthy?”
  • What cost method is appropriate for the plan?
  • How much of the cost for today’s employees should be borne by future taxpayers?

These are not your everyday questions. When you choose Clarity In Numbers for your actuarial services, the Clarity professionals will help you understand your obligations, develop a course of action, and allow you to go about running your organization.


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Clarity In Numbers, LLC | 125 South Wacker Drive | Suite 300 | Chicago, IL 60606 | P:312.893.5450 | F:888.884.7930 |