Private Defined Benefits
We'll help you answer the tough questions
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  • Do you feel like you are the only plan sponsor still offering a traditional defined benefit plan?
  • Do you receive timely notice and clear explanations for options that you may choose related to the cost and administration of your pension retirement plan?
  • Are you struggling to properly redesign, freeze or terminate your plan and who is assisting you with these decisions?
  • Who helps educate your participants and what tools are used to do so?
  • Are your advisors proactive in updating you on new regulations and providing customized solutions to meet your needs?
  • Have you assessed the risk involved in administering participant communications, benefit calculations; have such procedures been reviewed by an expert? For more information, see Administration − Defined Benefits.

These are not your everyday questions. When you choose Clarity In Numbers for your actuarial and administration services, the Clarity professionals will help you understand your obligations, develop a course of action, and allow you to go about running your organization.

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Clarity In Numbers, LLC | 125 South Wacker Drive | Suite 300 | Chicago, IL 60606 | P:312.893.5450 | F:888.884.7930 |