Attorney Assist ™

Law firms do not have actuaries, and we do not issue legal opinions. Do you offer any of these services?

  • ERISA/Tax: We need attorneys to draft and amending plan documents for retirement, healthcare, executive, & all other benefits
  • Litigation: Experts partner with us in litigation matters related to benefit and administration
  • Compliance: We review compliance procedures or another actuarial reports, administrative procedures and provide initial feedback or comprehensive findings
  • Expert Testimony: We prepare detailed summaries and may serve in an arbitration or as an expert witness
  • Mergers & Acquisitions: We systematically consult in redesign, freeze, and termination studies and implementation of new and spin-offs.
  • Estate Planning/Advisory: We provide Cash Balance illustrations to your clients: high net worth closely-held businesses.

see Top Law
see Cash Balance Administration Law Firms
Cash Balance Plans

Webcast: Will your firm benefit from a Cash Balance Plan?